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Eco-driving: IDEA even more committed to environmental protection


Today, eco-driving is an essential issue for all our employees. Whether you are a truck driver or not, using an IDEA vehicle or your own: it’s everyone’s concern! Our road transport activities, our safety approach and our CSR commitments make eco-driving a fundamental concern for the Group. This too is CSR, each individual, acting to the best of their ability, every day.

What is eco-driving?

Eco-driving is a voluntary commitment that aims to reduce one’s environmental impact. This driving reduces petrol consumption, tyre and brake wear, fines and the risk of accident, and thus vehicle-related expenses. It allows safe driving and preserves the environment. To practice eco-driving, it is important to follow 3 simple principles:

  • Maintain one’s vehicle
  • Comply with the highway code (speed and safe distances)
  • Know the characteristics of one’s vehicle (torque, horsepower)

Eco-driving means knowing one’s vehicle and anticipating.

How can you put eco-driving into practice?

  • The first thing is to begin by checking the general condition of your vehicle, it’s essential! Check the inflation of your tyres, maintain your vehicle periodically to ensure good aerodynamics (condition of the body, roof bar).
  • Don’t overload your vehicle and maintain “cruising” speed whenever possible. To do so, don’t hesitate to use your cruise control on safe roads (2x2 lanes); your driving will be much smoother! 
  • It’s also important to anticipate the behaviour of other users to avoid surprise by complying with safety distances.
  • Also take care to avoid letting your motor idle unnecessarily for more than 30 seconds.

Did you know?

  • A properly tuned vehicle pollutes much less and saves up to 10% of the amount of fuel used.
  • People travelling in metropolitan France by car account for 80% of trips, they are responsible for half the CO2 emissions.
  • According to a survey by the Transport Ministry, calm driving helps reduce the risk of accident by an average of 10 to 15%.
  • When you release your accelerator pedal, you don’t consume fuel!
  • Eco-driving helps consume up to 40% less fuel.
  • Successive braking and strong accelerations can lead to excess fuel consumption of 20 to 40%; by maintaining regular speed throughout the trip, the car will emit at least 20% less.
  • Adopting eco-driving will enable you to reduce your stress and fatigue at the wheel. 

What do 15 years of eco-driving for IDEA’s road transport business represent?

A true drop in diesel fuel consumption through actions.

  • Monthly tracking of vehicle diesel fuel consumption and posting to truck drivers
  • An in-house instructor to lead the training of drivers (FCO), and support truck drivers in optimising eco-driving
  • Management commitment by opting in favour of a CSR policy that becomes part of the CO2 Objective Charter
  • The purchase of vehicles that meet specifications for obtaining C2E certificates (energy saving certificates), such as for example: full deflector for aerodynamics, adaptive cruise control, automated transmission, etc.
  • Vehicles equipped with an integrated coaching tool that allows drivers to self-evaluate their driving and improve it
  • A “fuel cost control” solution with CGI Formation that allows the driving of truck drivers to be analysed and helps them improve their eco-driving performance
Truck driver instructor, safety lead for the IDEA transport subsidiary
Truck driver instructor, safety lead for the IDEA transport subsidiary
Eco-driving has been around at IDEA for 15 years! We monitor the monthly diesel fuel consumption of vehicles and have observed a real drop. Today, a long-haul driver with a new generation road assembly is capable of averaging diesel fuel consumption of 25l/100km. The different actions undertaken – monitoring, training, CSR commitments, vehicle replacement etc. – are bearing fruit!