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IDEA chosen by BBNE for impelementation of a sites logistics contract


Logistique chantier

New contract in site logistics

IDEA drew inspiration from its renowned expertise as an industrial supply chain service provider, particularly in the logistics of shipbuilding and platforms, to design a flexible and facilitating service offering dedicated to construction sites. As a result, Bouygues Bâtiment Nord-Est (BBNE) has chosen to rely on IDEA for the management and coordination of logistics operations for its "Les Camus" site, located in the mining area of Pas-de-Calais, from its Carvin platform. 

Montoir de Bretagne, September 28, 2023 - Launched for Construction and Public Works stakeholders, this new service offering from IDEA demonstrates its ability to design, manage, and coordinate logistics solutions tailored to the expectations of this new construction site market, facing challenges such as site accessibility, cost optimisation, meeting deadlines, equipment safety, and waste management. This partnership with BBNE, initiated in October 2022, concerns a 3-year programme for rehabilisation of 1.400 social housing units on an occupied site, with energy renovation from exterior (exterior joinery, wall insulation, roofing, and heating, sanitary facilities).

By leveraging IDEA's logistics expertise, BBNE aims for a better cost En s’appuyant sur l’expertise d’IDEA en matière de logistique, BBNE vise une meilleure maitrise des coûts et des délais fixés par le bailleur social commanditaire, améliore la sécurité sur son chantier et la productivité de ses compagnons, et diminue ainsi la co-activité, les nuisances pour les riverains et l’impact carbone du chantier lui-même.

Within the framework of this site, IDEA provides a comprehensive service : setting up a remote base to facilitate material reception, just-in-time- delivery, and reverse logistics for waste management optimisation. Furethermore, all these flows have been digitised to enable data capture and monitoring, a value asset for the customers that can be reused in future projects. In addition to this site, IDEA welcomed workers from a local ESAT (Sheltered workshop and support service) to its logistics platform to delegate kit assembly for housing and cutting operations.

« BBNE was looking for an experienced logistican capable of supporting our high production rates on a complex site, in terms of accessibility and safety, as well as digitalisation and data monitoring. With its solid experience in industrial logistics, IDEA listened to our challenges and adapted its process to fit the construction sector. It's a true mutual acculturation, where IDEA is not just a service provider, but truly a partner », explains Sylvie Girard, Head of Supply Chain, BBNE.

A comprehensive, adaptable, and modular site logistics offering 

By observing construction companies and considering their logistical needs, IDEA adapted its offering with a dual objective : relieving industry stakeholders of low-value-added tasks and allowing them to focus on their core business. This tailored assistance is particularly welcome at a time when the construction industry is facing a tight labour market, with a signifiant shortage of workers. The viability of this offering relies on the use of existing platforms, digitalisation of operations, operator pooling (Team Leaders, Operations Managers), and pooling of handling equipment. 

This tailored logistics offer is fully in line with IDEA's 2025 strategic plan, particularly on the « diversification » axis. As IDEA approached the construction sector, it designed its offering around four key components, with end-to-end traceability being essential for optimising the site :  

  1. Establishment of a remote base near the site to secure supplies and prepare materials "just in time" (kitting).
  2. Consolidated delivery of materials "just in time" : on-site at the right place, at the right time.
  3. On-site logistics management : planning truck arrivals, traffic management personnel to streamline traffic, vertical logistics if necessary. .
  4. Organisation and transport to the site of prefabricated modules manufactured off-site. 

IDEA also offers complementary services that optimise flows, such as waste management to ensure sorting up to site skips, or production delegation (cutting, pre-assembly, ect.). 

«With 65 sites spread across the entire French territory, each IDEA business unit can respond to customer requests without any service interruptions, thanks to remote base and a range of tailored, differenting and cost-effective services. Stocks, flows, processes : the logistics fields is fully covered. From delivery to undloading and transport to the site, IDEA manages and coordinates every stage.Our offer provides an adjustable response to customer needs and site contingencies, adapted to both construction and renovation projects » explains Isabelle Petit, Key Account Manager at IDEA.


Discover the full range of site logistics by IDEA in the video : 

Découvrez en vidéo, l'intégralité de l'offre logistique chantier by IDEA