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Discover the Saving CO2 project


On the occasion of our good IDEA strategic plan for 2025, we announced our ambition to become the industrial logistician of efficient and sustainable solutions. Among the means to achieve this goal is our project : saving CO2 which we invite you to discover through 5 questions asked to its leader, Bruno Maheo.  


1. What is the ambition of the Saving CO2 project ? 

Our ambition is for our customers to become stakeholders in logistics with a lower CO2 impact. We offer to measure the  COimpact of logistical choices and offering sustainable alternatives to our customers. 

2. How did the project come about ? 

The project stemmed from an idea following a problem in the field, raised by our internal innovation programme IDEActions. This idea was further devloped during a hackathon in 2021. Finally selected, Saving CO2 is now part of our Good IDEA corporate strategic project. 

To materialise it, the project required a phase of questioning and discussions with our clients, which confirmed their interest in such an offer. Currently, we implement and can offer to our customers.  

3. What's in it for them ?

The first advantage for our customers is having a measure of the CO2 of their logistics provider within their overall activity. This allows them to calculate their carbon footprint (with the provider being part of their scope 3 carbon footprint). This is a volontary approach aligned with their own CSR policy. 

The second is having solutions to reduce its COimpact. In the coming years, presenting a plan to reduce their impact will become mandatory, not to mention the potential future CO2 taxes. 

Saving CO2 colibri

4.In concrete terms, what will this offer contain ?  

One very example we initiated in 2021, which is already operational for our customers, is the use of biogas trucks on short circuits. We can assess the benefit that this switch to biogas represents for each of our customers. With this information, they can input their CO2 emissions data into their impact reduction plan.  

5. To conclude ?  

Our goal is to go beyond our simple commitment to CSR. We truly want to support our customers in their transformation towards greener activities and contribute with them to improving their environmental performance.  
